There's something curious about people who use inconsistent capital letters. I don't mean people who don't start words with them, but rather people like this shopper who - for a reason known only to them - writes most items in lower case, but "EGGS" and "BACON" in upper case. I'd like to think it's something to do with a traditional Full English Breakfast, or that it's to differentiate quantities, but the sad fact remains that we'll struggle to find out.
However, the one item that grammatically demands capitalisation is left without: "dolmio". It's a brand name, and therefore a proper noun. It should read "Dolmio".
Do you think they'd notice if I used some Biro over the top of it?
You are quite amusing! Your lists bring a spot of humor to an otherwise boring workday! (As well as a paranoid fear that my list will one day pop up in the wrong hands.)
I agree with mr anonymous. this is very amusing its actually quite cool in a weird sort of way.
what's casserole mix? i mean, you make casserole from meat and veg and gravy, that sorta thing...can you really buy something called 'casserole mix' from which to make casserole?
found you via the guardian, by the way - wrote 'bout you on my blog too, so if anyone reads that you might get a couple more fans through me...:D
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