There is little doubt that the shopper has a hectic weekend planned - but how are they goign to remember it all if they leave their list behind? The "shears" complement that instruction to "cut hedges", presumably to prepare for a garden party. The "pots & flowers" will decorate the aforementioned garden, with shade provided by the "parasol". Some varieties of booze must have been procurred from elsewhere, as only "pimms" is listed here along with containers - "jug for pimms" and "Bucket - Booze". I'd guess that the top section is for a buffet part of the garden party meal, with the bottom third being ingredients for a curry as the main course. No dessert though...
1 comment:
I used to add random, bizarre items to my shopping lists that my boyfriend would then trot off with to get the shopping. I knew he would laugh out loud along the aisles and startle other shoppers. These items would be along the lines of ' half a pound of thick sliced armadillo, keep the rind on' or 4 large dogs bollocks - shrink wrapped'. Sadly he died 2 years ago but I still occasioanlly add things like this because I often lose the list and think it might make a few other people laugh too.
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