My 200th list, and fortunately one that's got a bit of character to it! Althought the emergency "Hoi Sin Sauce" stands out due to the blue pen in which it's written, I'm convinced that "Pies" are viewed as the most important item by the shopper due to the double - yes, double - underlining! Quantities of items are highlighted also, demonstrating the necessity of getting the correct amount. This may well be a list written for a mn by a woman. Perhaps he added "Pies" himself - it certainly seems to be written in a different handwriting! The asterisks are strange, though, mainly because they are usually used to identify important items. In this list, though, they pale into insignificance compared to the double underlining technique. Shoppers, take note: a new hierarchy of necessity has been created!
Just glanced at the landmark 200th list, and at a first look I thought the item asterisked at the bottom left was "Air, Frozen," as if to suggest some prepackaged process form of the life-sustaining material that surrounds us.
Or am I just not paying enough attention when I read these things?
You make a good point!
Unfortunately this is one of the downfalls of abandoned lists - sometimes they are ripped, scrunched and scrawled in such a way as to devilishly alter the wording. The true asterisked items is "Air fresh", but even this could be seen as a shopper's plea to abandon burning fossil fuels and develop better and cleaner forms of energy.
maybe an air freshener?
what is odd is the attention to detail of giving quatities for some items but not for eggs. surely this is the kind of item that is bought in specific quatities?
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