Tuesday, October 11, 2005

214 - Tea For Who?

Hmmm...three different teas suggest three different tea drinkers. However, I only say this because I drink "normal" tea and nothing else. It is quite possible that this shopper is simply a big fan of tea of different kinds, and wants a good range at home.

I also like the use of asterisks even though I don't know what they signify. The problem is that while most items are starred, some aren't: "Loo roll" (which certainly deseres a star, in my book) and "Herbals Tea" are left naked of stardom. Cat food is exctingly boxed as well, though. And has two stars. Evidently a special cat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the asterisks denote the items the shopper bought prior to losing/ abandoning the list?!? I am currently enjoying the thought of them being forced to use Dettox wipes instead