There's some other wonders on this list - I doubt that it's possible to get stale "Nivea Deodrant", but it's evidently possible to get "FRESH". And do they mean "Humous" instead of "Humourous"? Perhaps it's just that they find liquidised chick peas particularly funny.
I like the circled importance of there being 3 "Lucky Dips" on the lottery, and the way that all the cigarette counter items are placed together - "Lucky Dips", "Paper" and "Fags".
argh, attack of the misplaced apostrophe...
I find it interesting that the author has felt the need to write a small line after most items. What is the significance of the items that they have failed to mark after - perhaps they changed their mind?
It must have been written for a man by a woman. We girls know that Nivea Deoderant can be purchased in a number of fragrances, of which FRESH is one!
do u have a life mate
I'd say the fact that I've not updated the site in 5 weeks because I've been too busy woudl suggest that, yes, I do have a life. Not a very interesting one - I'll give you that - but a life, nonetheless.
this site is so random..and i love it
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