Thursday, September 29, 2005

211 - The Shopper's Synod

It's a great shame that I'm becoming more skilled at decifering dodgy handwriting. Why? Because I know that if I went on at length about "synods" - a council of a church, usually a Christian church, convened to decide an issue of doctrine or administration - I'd be simply falsifying a listed item. How, and why? Because it doesn't say "synod" after all. But just think how good it would be to have a council of shoppers, convened to decide a "shopper's doctrine". Oh, that'd be great!

Perhaps the synod could have taken place at the Holiday Inn. After all, the list is written on the back of what I presume is a Holiday Inn order pad, as it was found in a supermarket only a few hundred yards from one such hotel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so if it doesn't say "synod", what does it say?