I let out an audible "awwww" when I recovered this torn up note from a shopping trolley this morning. The beginning of a letter to "Sanda", the young person who wrote this tore it up and threw it in a trolley to hide their spelling shame.
Now, while I am usually a stickler for people using corect spellign and grammer, I think we can afford to let this one go. I mean, I'm sure Santa wouldn't have been offended so neither should we.
amazing and adorable.
i fink dat dat woz mi letr tooo sanda
Maybe the kid who wrote this was just on holiday in England and really he lived in a house in a desert somewhere, so Santa had become specially adapted to delivering prezzies in the snow-maybe evolving tennis rackets on his feet and on the bottom of his sleigh. Also when he crossed the deserts' borders with other countries the reindeer automatically convert to camels, and he eventually became so well adapted to the desert that the local people started to call him 'Sanda'. Or maybe he just couldn't spell. I got a bit carried away there didn't I?
one time i spelt water wader
You spelt "spelling" as "spellign" while talking about correct spelling.
Absolutely right. I also purposely spelt correct as corect, and grammar as grammer in the analysis. I'm glad someone finally picked up on my little ironic diversion :-)
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