Quite how it's possible to mistake "
Juice" for "
Bread" is beyond me. One is firm and made of flour, the other is squeezed from fruit. But this shopper did decide to scribble "Bread" off their list and replace it with "Juice", only to add "Bread" onto the list further down.
However, perhaps the truth is that this shopper is cunning. "Juice", "cheese" and "milk" live close to each other in the supermarket, whereas "Bread" is nearest to "sandwich filler" and "Eggs". Just like on the list! This may well be the work of an aisle genius.
Hmm..maybe ther person though that, "Hey, I'm allergic to bread!" and decided juice was a better substitiution.
Perhaps it's the kind of list that you keep on your fridge and add things to as you run out. Then one day he or she happened to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home from work, so then crossed it off the list. But before the time came for the "real" shopping expedition, the bread ran out, so he or she added it to the list again. This happens to me all the day. "Juice" is where it is simpmly because there was no more space on the left hand column, so it is the beginning of a new column (but there were no more items needed, so there is only one item in that column).
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