How curious! This shopper ends their list by specifying that the "cat food" must be "(kitten food)". Now, as readers of the Compendium will know, I am a fan of shoppers who add specific details to general items. This specific detail, though, doesn't strike me as being particularly specific but rather a bit of a waste of time writing. They could simply have said "kitten food" as this is as general as the item on their list, or "cat food (Felix kitten)" if they wanted to be a bit more specific. This list isn't going to help anyone.
The second item is also intriguing. "Magenta red BA238" draws a blank when I put it into Google, but "BA238" Googles as both a red coloured fishing fly, a red Bandit motorbike...and part of the hexidecimal identification number for magenta colours on computers. What is it doing on this list?
Magenta Red BA238 sounds like a lipstick to me. Not a lipstick that I'd wear, since I'm not stuck in the eighties, but a lipstick nonetheless. If not a lipstick, maybe an embroidery cotton? They're sold with a colour name and a number.
Or possibly a doomed British Airways flight...
This list looks more like an art students To Do list than a plain shopping list. Note 'extension' - an extension for an essay? The magenta probably refers to the pantone in the form of a pen or paint.
I'm here through theGuide and am very excited about Berliner Monday
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