Ace! It features again on this list, over 150 lists after Ace first featured in the Compendium. I don't know what it is, but in the context of it sharing a line with "Spam" I can only think that it's an expression of delight at this processed pork delight. One of the coolest things about this list is that the shopper successfully bought "Spam" (as indicated by it being crossed out), but sadly didn't succeed in buying a "Broom handle". Maybe it's just as well.
Bertie - Ace is a cleaning bleach you can use of clothes. Not very good but I don't do much cleaning!
I think 'Ace' is a kind of cheap canned beer sold in the north east, I've never seen or tried it, and only know about it because of a charachter in the humourous magazine 'Viz' an alcoholic called 'eight Ace' because of his habit of going onto the local off licence and ordering eight cans of 'Ace'.
ace is a chocolate bar
Having, unsucessfully, tried to buy a broom handle myself today, I can sympathise with the creator of this list.
I want a simple, no frills, 60 inch, wooden broom handle.
Impossible to find.
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