
It amazes me how many people in my collection are so specific about the brands of goods they buy. This one is just silly, listing far too many brands for my liking. "Cathedral City", "McCain Fry Chip", "Flash Floor Cleaner", "Yorkshire T/Bags", "Dorito's (note the poor use of apostrophe there)", "Clover Butter", "Kingsmill Thick White Loaf", "Kleenex Packets Tissues". The thing is, though, while the shopper is incredibly specific about such items they don't care what kind of "apples" they get, nor "potatos". If you have a system, shoppers, please ensure it remains constant throughout.
It's interesting that this shopper, who specifies specific brands, can't even be bothered to buy a legitimate copy of Red Hot Chili Peppers Live in Hyde Park. Scoundrel!
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