
If shopping is such a pleasure at Publix supermarkets, why the hell did I find this list in a trolley at Tesco? Well, it's not a tricky one: Publix is a US chain and this list was found in the UK. Still, it's rather interesting to have a foreign-sourced notepad appearing in my collection. I like the way that the Publix pad gives spaces for each area of the shop, but this has been ruined by a mindless shopper who has just written their items in anywhere. I mean, poor old Publix supermarkets - they try to help people categorise but some British oik kicks it back in their face. I feel dirty just handling this defaced piece.
And how about this: the mindless shopper who doesn't use the pre-prepared categories is going on one almighty bender sometime soon. 48 bottles of champagne, 48 bottles of wine, a load of punch...and I'm guessing that Janet is picking it all up sometime in the afternoon. I want to go to that party!
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