You don't find people referred to as "father" and "mother" very much these days. You find "father" and "mother" referred to even less on shopping lists, but that's not to say it never happens - as this list shows.
Something fishy is definitely going on here. The shopper is clearly the offspring of the "father" and "mother" mentioned here, but is buying quite shockingly different things for each of their parents.
"Fish dish for father" is fair enough. Dads like fish. But, "bleach etc washing liquid (mother)" is a bit scary. Could this be a very dirty mother who needs a bloody good clean, or is it the shopper's attempt to kill off the mother for the inheritance? After all, father gets food while mother gets bleach.
The shopper has planned this murder well (and it wouldn't be the first time a murder has been solved through the evidence of a shopping list). In addition to the bleach to poison mother, they have also got "Tissues", "loo paper" and "loo wipes" to ensure all mess is quickly and effectively cleared up along with the "Floor mop liquid". Once that's done, the "Dove hand wash" will rid the final remnants of any evidence down the drain. "White wine" to celebrate the dastardly deed, perhaps?
BTW,It is very common in St Helens for grandparents to be called father and mother!
omg i collect them 2 :D i only have 4 tho but i think they r reall funny but also once i picked up till information about tesco thinking it was a shopping list :D
u shood visit www.bbbeccaaa.bebo.com :D
Say, you got a nice article.Much thanks again. Will read on.
Black Bra
Hi everyone! I am an art student doing a term project on my shopping list collection of 500 lists! excited that I found this website!
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