Local news is great, and there's one particularly good website to catch up on all the cool stuff that happens in London. It's called Londonist and today they published an interview with me, having already done a story on the Compendium in which I'm referred to as a "lovable loon". Cool, eh?
This seems a completely random site!!!!!!!!!!! And because of that I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! The things people leave in trolleys is really amazing sometimes. I found one once with "Wedding ring-Sarah" on. But who in their right mind would want a wedding ring from Sainsburys?!?!? Cheap And Tacky!!!
I found this sit eon Pointless Sites.com and sat a read a lot of the lists. This is a very different hobby and I think it is great. Godd luck on collecting!
sir ur a complete weirdo!!!!
c u at skl
by the way my mum fancies u
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